Satan, a God of Evil  

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Stan asked some very good questions in “How Gods work in Wicca” which I’m going to answer here. The first one I’ll answer is “I see you mention a belief in Satan as well, so what do you believe about him?” First, I don’t believe that Christianity is monotheistic. That principle is very important to the rest of this post. It has a pantheon consisting in the very least of Jehovah the Father, Christ the Son, the Holy Spirit and Satan. Depending on what flavor you’re looking at you can add any number of angels, saints, Mary, etc.

This is based on how “dead” religions are viewed by anthropologists. There were faiths very similar to Christianity, with a “supreme god” and a family of lesser gods around them but no one now calls them monotheistic, although the followers then did so. See this site for details. In all other faiths, the son of God was a God just not the Supreme God.

All that said, I believe in Satan as a God of Evil. I believe Satan is wrong and wants to harm us. I believe he works in direct cross purposes to Jehovah the Father. I believe he’ll use every means at his command to do so as well.

Stan continues, “As I believe that Satan is out to destroy mankind, creating false gods and setting them up to be worshiped strikes me as a very logical thing to do.” And I agree this is very possible and leads right into “The question, then–when one presupposes a belief in a belligerent devil with great skill at deception–is how does one determine which faces and facets of Deity are correct and trustworthy?” Anyone in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints already knows the answer to this, you pray. You ask, you listen, you evaluate the effects on your life, and heath and soul and you keep on praying.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 24, 2008 at Monday, March 24, 2008 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Incidentally, I replied to your follow up posts, on your old blog. I hadn't seen the link to this new blog prior to responding, so I'll repost them here for your ease. The quote will be marked by the triple asteriks below.

***This, then begs the question, “What makes a god a god?”

On another point-–that of detecting false gods or true gods–-what of those who aren’t members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints…what are they to do? Or are you prescribing the “pray and ask” method as a general rule that works regardless of denomination? See, if you say that (though I believe it’s a true principle) you’ll get people who ask, “Well, what God should I pray to?”

My answer for that is, “If you don’t know who you worship, don’t ask me to figure it out.” I think people have an innate sense of what they revere. Even if they don’t have a pre-existing belief in any given god(s), any real god would be able to hear a prayer, and understand that the prayer is directed at Him/Her, should someone decide to forego absolute aetheism and “seek God.”

Going back you the blog you reference at the beginning, the one in which I posed the intial questions, you mentioned worshipping *all* gods. What does your worship entail then, since you quite clearly point out that you believe Satan to be a malicious being who is interested only in our harm? I suspect you mean something other than what people traditionally consider “worship.”***

April 1, 2008 at 12:36 PM

Oh, and that picture is pretty freaky, by the way. I guess that's the point, though... ;)

April 1, 2008 at 12:37 PM

I think the "pray and ask" method will work for anyone, no matter what they call what they worship. I don't think Truth, once you learn how to hear it, can be counterfeited by anything. If can be, what's the point of trying? If Satan can sound like God, how do you know HE isn't the one telling you to go to Church on Sunday? How can you win for losing? And I don't think whatever created the Universe left even those who never heard of It without some method of figuring out how to be good people.

I don't think I said I worship all Gods, I think I said "All Gods are True." I also mentioned, in my very first post, I don't worship Satan. "I do not seek power through the suffering of others." I know those who do worship what others would label as "Evil" but not me. I'll describe my idea of Evil later I think.

April 2, 2008 at 2:07 PM

"I don't think I said I worship all Gods, I think I said 'All Gods are True.'"

Ah. My mistake. Sorry for having misinterpreted that.

I agree that real truth can't be counterfeited--there's always *some* distinguishing mark that makes a counterfeit fake. wouldn't be counterfeit, would it?

BUT counterfeits can come pretty close. In fact, a common scenario is the "9-parts truth to hide 1-part lie." Those kind of things can often be difficult to refute, since the lie is usualy very, very cleverly disguised as it piggybacks on truth.

Still, I totally agree that truth is something you *can* know. I really think that people have an innate "feel" for what is true, and what is not true, even if they don't always understand all the reasons behind it. Truth resonates with us, when we hear it, in a way that even just a really good idea doesn't.

Thanks for the clarification and the rest. :)

April 3, 2008 at 6:14 AM

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